Scout (Saluki Mix)

Case Number: 559-XM

Status: Available


Scout is a Saluki Mix, 6-7 years old, neutered and about 60 lbs. He is located outside Boston, MA and is originally from Dubai.  He is in great health,  fully housetrained and completely vetted (dental cleaning - Aug 2024 at Angell Animal Medical Center) . 

Through no fault of his, he is looking for a special, loving home, preferably a one-dog home where he could bond with his new person/family.  

He currently lives, and peacefully coexists, with a 13-year-old female mixed breed dog.  He is a very sweet and gentle boy who loves people and seeks them out.

He loves to run, chase the ball and small critters - he may growl at dogs he doesn’t know if they approach him.    When he was younger, he would go to dog parks where he would run and play with other dogs without incident.

He went through an obedience school program at Angell Memorial and showed great promise;  however due to his owner’s declining health the training was not continued.   

We fully believe that if Scout were in the right home where he could run and exercise and be managed by someone who could reinforce training, he would be an excellent companion for someone or some family.  

If anyone is interested in offering this sweet boy a loving home please contact: 

Elise Shartsis

Please put ‘SCOUT’ in the subject line.


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