Madge Holland

Some Moments With Madge

The dogs are confused by my being here alone.
They look for you.
They sleep on my side of the bed,
waiting for your arrival
so they can roll over, touching
the length of your body.
I, too, await. …………………..

October 13, 2014
Today I drove our new car,
another Prius, out Pleasant Hill Road
to the mortuary
to bring you home.
The dogs sat at my feet
as I placed your ashes in the beautiful
ceramic urn that I showed you.
They followed me into the living room
as I placed the urn on the black chest.
They seemed to know you are home.

Fran Claggett

With love from these friends of Madge:

  • Fiona Bennett
  • Bill and Chris Lewis
  • Brenda Johansson

Madge's sweet boy, Jason, has since joined his chosen friend.