Vanderbilt came to California from Kuwait; with several other cage-farmed Saluki rescues--
How scared you were-- looking up at the house from the street. You didn't see me at the upper window. I knew you were home, before you did!
It became instantly obvious you were more a Skipper, or Mr Stumble--or Thumper, because you made such noise stumble-running upstairs--in that style of your own; and when jumping from two steps above ground level--on the way down.
Your back legs never lost their "nerv-e-osus shake-itus" in the 6 years you shared life in this, your 1930's Moderne house. I recall how you rarely barked (spoke-out) until just last year, when we "learned" barking greetings and our mood to each other, as I would come into the house. Me from the basement, you from the second floor. I hear that happy yelp, right now.
I have [saved] a video of the first time you learned to share the window with Hannibal and Twyla, so everyone who wishes can see how you looked that day--in what will remain--Skipper's Window. [On this page, we share some frames from that video with your friends.]
You shared well; that individual style of quiet love; I've never learned more about the subject in all the years before you let me live with you.
We are ONE.

"And then, you were NOT afraid."