Ali Bey

We adopted Ali Bey from Janet Noll at the Rocky Mountain STOLA (Taos, NM), in the Fall of 2004. He was 7 years old. We were looking for a companion for our Harlequin Great Dane, and became hooked on Ali Bey from the minute we saw his picture.
He was a shy, quiet, gentle soul, who wanted nothing more than to be loved and have a good home. Obedient and timid as could be, he hid behind a ferocious bark, shaking like a leaf with his tail between his legs, when interacting with anyone or anything new. He showed the signs of not always being treated as the tender loving creature that he was; what a misfortune. He became our loyal friend and was inseparable from our Great Dane, Harley.

Ali Bey was so happy to have Harley be the "Alpha" dog, which worked for her we adopted her from a pack where she was the "one dog too many". Ali Bey suffered as much as we did, when we lost Harley. Having tremendous difficulty to adapt alone, he guided us to adopt another Saluki from Janet, and once again, he had an "Alpha" companion, this time a 3 year old bundle of chaotic energy named Ramses.
We were so fortunate to have 5 years with our sweet, loving Ali Bey. We miss him dearly and will always have him in our hearts. We deeply appreciate and thank my sister, Margaret Fisher, for her donation to STOLA, making this memorial possible.
--Karen Fisher and Andrew Peabody--
