beloved family member
of Elise and Jay Shartsis
crossed into spirit
January 10th, 2008
Dennis, beloved best friend of Elise and Jay Shartsis left this world at the dawning of the new year 2008. Dennis was a true character, mischievous, and loaded with personality. Dennis always held his people close to him and loved it most when he did not have to share them with other Salukis. As other Salukis in the family passed away, Dennis became the star for the rest of his life, loving the extra attention than an only Saluki inevitably gets. He reveled in those days of special closeness, and his passing broke the hearts of his people. He has left a deep void. We cannot find the words to express the depth of our grief, but those of us who loved Dennis will try to remember him, not in the last days of his illness, but as the mischievous character that filled out lives with joy for so many years. For a time, Dennis became the STOLA poster boy asking for donations to help less fortunate Salukis. The photo showing Dennis lounging on a chaise in the garden was an extremely successful fundraiser for Salukis in need. That wonderful image which portrayed his spirit so well will stay in our hearts forever.

When my Pascha was so ill toward the end, I discovered that sweet Dennis was also struggling. Elise and I shared daily emails of progress and setbacks as we fought with all our hearts to help our beloved boys. And then, Pascha and Dennis passed away within two days of each other. We all fought together ... and we all grieve together. Bonds like that can't be broken. My hope is that Pascha and Dennis now run together, with all their family and friends on the other side, free of pain and suffering. My heart is with Elise and Jay in their sorrow.
Gayle Nastasi