Della and Marie
In response to the notice that Marie sent to the Saluki community, heartfelt replies were sent back to Marie. We include these as a glimpse into Della’s relationships with so many people worldwide, and to how many lives she touched. |
Sorry to hear this. Just knowing Della from her posts here on the DT list she seemed like a very nice person and will be missed.
Frank X. Morris
Surely she is at peace and with no pain or suffering. I think that everyone who ever met her is heart-broken as she was one of the sweetest women I ever got to know.
I know Marie that this will be hard on you -- she loved you and depended on you near the end.
You were such a good friend to her.
Thanks for sharing this sad news with me. I have been thinking about her every day.
Susan Shusterman |
I’m sorry I never had the opportunity to meet Della. She sounds like a wonderful person, and privileged to have you for a friend. I hope to meet you one day myself.
Linda Jurasek |
Oh Marie-I’m so sorry. I hope she was kept comfortable during her time in hospice. Hopefully she was able to understand how well her beloved Vashti did at the show and it brought her a little bit of joy.
Please let me know if/when there will be a service for her.
Marilyn Brown |
We (Catherine, Charles, Doug and I) just said a prayer recognizing that Della is in a better place. We prayed for you too our dear Marie and for all who loved Dellla.
Cccd |
I am so sorry for her passing but relieved she is no longer suffering. Her spirit is free to go on. Hugs to you as I know how dear she was to you. She was always a good friend and you hold her remarkable spirit within your memories together.
- Bev Griffith
God bless her. I didn't know her well but I always knew she was a special lady.
She will be missed tremendously.
Marie, you were a wonderful friend to her.
God speed Della.
She was a highly educated, kind and enthusiastic woman who loved life and loved salukis.
She will be deeply missed.
Catherine Comroe |
I'm so sorry and even i dint know her it makes me very sad. I can imagine how you must feel.Hope you at least take it as a good thing ,the fact that she didnt need to suffer for long.
As soon as i saw your mail's subject my heart sank.
I'll realy be thinking of you .
Hugs, Judy Ben Joud |
My heart is broken. Bless her release from all of her troubles and pain.
Let me know if I can help with anything.
Hugs to you!
Susan Shusterman |
I also wanted to express my sympathy to you on Della's passing. I know you knew her and were friends. I am sorry for your loss. I don't think I ever met her but so many people said a lot of nice things about her that I am very sad I never did get to know her. My thoughts are with you at this time of sadness. It is hard to lose a friend even when you knew the end was near....
I am sad for you that you have lost a dear friend. How wonderful it is though to have had that friendship. I'm sure you will remember her fondly every time you look at Miki.
If anyone organizes a memorial donation or anything like that for Della please let me know. As I said earlier, I hadn't had the opportunity to know her but she was dear to some of my friends.
Hugs to you,
Kathy Morton |
What the life is. One day you are a person and in a split second you are the past - and the world rolls on.
We spent half of our life growing, getting education etc. and another half working, cleaning, worrying about bills, cars, retirement etc. We get lost in everyday problems and forget to live, assuming we have time to make up later on.
Our governments spend money on wars and other means of destruction while the most fragile thing - life and health, is left to chance and financial leftovers most of the time.
I cannot stop thinking what Della felt when faced with the prospect of hospice, how lonely (despite the friends and their support) she was in whole that matter. She never complained or inflicted any of her worries on us and we got the impression it was all sudden.
Only when I contacted her few times to see how she was doing she would mention complications and ongoing therapy without even complaining for the long wait for the surgeries etc. She didn't seem even bitter. It takes big person to act like that. I never personally met her, but I already miss her and certainly will not forget her.
I wish all of us only one thing - and that is good health. Everything else is nonsense.
Branka Bradic
Hi, Marie,
I just couldn't write yesterday after receiving your message. I know you must be devastated. I understand just how that feels.
I remember when the common wisdom was that we should "get over" such sorrowful events in about a year, but that has not been my experience.
I think grieving is a lifelong process, or at least years.
It is so sad to me when there are children or animals involved. When
Maz knew she was going to die soon, and she sent Kazik here so he could have the chance to participate in ofc, I cried just thinking about her going through that process. There was a photo of his arrival and his special wooden crate she had made for him. There was a big note attached to it that said "Hello! My name is Kazik and I ama good boy" or something to that effect. How did she manage that?
So know that my heart and thoughts are with you, as are my tears. I'm here if you want to talk anytime.
Laurie Lehman |
That is so sad…..she was truly a very nice person.
Bonnie Boucher-Johnson
HI Marie,
I just got a call from Jennifer Trefonas and she said Della died. I am so very sorry. Can you let me know to whom to send condolences? I don't know if Della was married or has children.
Tatsuki and I thought she was a very special lady. I was looking forward to seeing her again at a lurecourse this summer and had goofy things to give her that I thought she might have fun photographing with her dogs.
All our love to you. We know what a good friend you were to Della.
Tatsuki and I are so sorry for your loss. We knew how kind and close you were to Della and we feel so very sad. If there is anything we can do, please let us know. What a blessing that she had time to prepare for what would be best for her dogs. Tatsuki and I have prepared too, one of our best friends is our vet and she would have our house and all the beasties as long as she liked and then it would go to Tatsuki's nephew. So our beasties, two dogs and five llamas at present, would all stay together and their continuity would be maintained in familiar surroundings.
Please excuse any and all misspellings, We have a new ergonomic keyboard and this computer "eats" my email if I attempt to use spellcheck. Again, our hearts go out to you, we are so sorry.
Tatsuki and Lenore Kobayashi
Della was a truly classy lady. She always had a kind word to say to both me and my dogs. What a good friend Della was! She was supportive of all of my dreams and listened to my thoughts. She was honorable and could always be held to her word - if Della said that she would do something - she followed through willingly.
She was so much fun to be with at dog shows and lure coursing! We had so many laughs.......!! Della was a great competitor too. She cheered both Vashti and other's dogs equally.
Della, I will miss you on this planet.
Fly with the angels and bring peace where you are now.
Jennifer Trefonas |
I'm tremendously saddened by this news. Della was a true lady, a wonderful person and had a warmth and kindness that endeared her so deeply.
Della, you will be profoundly missed.
Linda Hardman & Family |
Hi Marie
I just read your tribute to Della on Saluki-l. I just wanted to extend my condolences to you for your loss of a great friend. I'm glad that she was in your life for awhile, one day, you will once again cross paths. In the meantime, the hurt will fade down somewhat & the memories will be of good times, as I'm sure Della would have it no other way.
Cindy Najera |
Poodle Lady chiming in. Catching up on e-mails. I met Della in Pleasanton. Special lady. Marie, you did good girlfriend. You carried her through some rough spots and allowed her to go in peace with your love. We honor you as well as Della. HUGS
My sincerely condelences for the loss of such a wonderful person. Although I didn't know Della but from the occassional hello at the PSSC Specality, she was always so kind and friendly. She will be missed
Shawn Davis |
Hi Marie,
I'm so sorry to hear about Della's passing. I remember that you and she were great friends, and I'm sure there will be a huge hole in your heart for a while. Be thankful for the times you shared and know that she is probably going to be one of your guardian angels from now on :)
Take care.
Jean Pennie |
I was very saddened to hear the news of Della's passing from Margaret last night. I was so hoping that her fight with cancer would be successful in the long term. Della had much more living to do.
We were all blessed by Della's dedication to Salukis. I will always remember her kindness and welcoming friendship when I visited Vancouver.
It is touching to know that Della's closest friends were the Saluki Club of Canada "family" that were near to her. I know that many of us corresponded with her by email and note cards. And she had a support network of dear friends that stayed close to her and sustained her in the last few weeks. To all of you who took Saluki walks on the seashore with Della; who shared handling classes and friendly competition with her; who knew her best from the heart - heartfelt condolences.
Maril Semph
I join you and many others, Marie, in mourning the loss of Della Crawford.
Though I didn't know her well personally, only having met her once, we grew very close through phone calls and e-mail. She was indeed a remarkable woman.
Vashti will live the rest of her life with me and I will never look at her without remembering Della.
Susie Konopa
Della was a very special person and touched the lives of so many people around the world. She will be missed by all.
Fiona Bennett