She loved every animal that she ever came in contact with. She had a natural connection with them. If she were to meet you and your animals, regardless of whether she found friendship with you, she made a friend for life with your animals. She grieved deeply upon each departure, whether it was sending them to a new home after rescue or sending them ahead of her to God's hands. Regardless of how anyone felt about her personally, I know no one who would question her devotion to our four legged companions.
Animals everywhere have lost one of their strongest advocates.
Sher and I had 19 years together. We married in her home church in Brookfield, NY and I took her home for her memorial service in that same beautiful little temple. As to be expected, during the service the sun was shining through the stain glassed windows coloring the people and the emotions with beauty. Before the end of the memorial dinner it was snowing almost to the point of white out. I think she wanted us to see once again, the varied sides of this beautiful girl.
--Steven Chapman
Sherri Pierson Chapman.........an original!
Sherri and I began our "telephone visits" in June 2003. She was then the STOLA representative coordinating my Lillee's rescue at the time. After fostering Lillee for awhile, I decided to formally adopt her. Sherri, as was her habit with all the salukis she helped and their rescuers/fosters/adopters, kept in constant touch. One of our initial conversations lasted four hours! She was a fountain of animal knowledge, particularly of salukis, other dogs, horses, cows, etc. There was much to learn from her.
She was a cultured person....eclectic in her taste for music.......she had a lovely, natural singing voice.....found that out when she called on my last birthday and sang the happy birthday song :-)
Our first conversations brought out the fact that each of us thought of ourselves as a "Diana Trent", the irascible character in the BBC comedy, "Waiting for God" It was our little private joke, it deepened our friendship that just kept growing.
It goes without saying, Sherri will be sorely missed by many of her friends and always remembered for her uniqueness - an original, and a very vulnerable human being.
--Carmela and Lillee (adopted STOLA saluki rescue)
Sherri left a legacy of friendship, and love for her breed. While certainly
not perfect, many knew her kindness as they helped salukis in need find
their way to loving homes through Sherri's efforts.
--Mary Beth
All day long I've been thinking of Sherri and tonight I've spent
time reading over all of the email exchanges we had. As I mentioned we
never met face to face, but doing so was always in the back of my mind.
She provided me with my recently departed Earnie; helped me through his
various crises with so much advice, and shared the good times. I'd
report to her his progress at adjusting and becoming a happy, playful
and loving companion. I had two years of his company and I like to think
that he had finally found a measure of happiness and stability in his
life. After what humans had done to him I was amazed that he'd have
anything to do with any of us.
Sherri certainly got him started towards experiencing the better
side of humans. I will ever be thankful to her for the time she gave him
(and me). She was wonderfully knowlegable and certainly had an enormous
I would wish for many more people as dedicated and open-hearted as
she. We were lucky to have known her.
Thanks for listening
We all loved Sherri, as the naughty little sister that said and did whatever she wanted and what she thought right, even if she was not...And loved her more for all that. Goodbye, Sherri...We are less for the loss of your irreverence, and for your love of the Saluki.

"After the Hunt": Sherri with Zachary, Deuce, & Sassy (and Sharon, too)
I"m blown away .....I've been crying for her and can't shake it, silly irrational pain in the ass she could be.. But I knew and loved her, in her California days. I remember the tall willowy beautiful 3O year old with the wonderful smile who could make any dog look like a million dollars in the ring.
--Lynne Underwood
From cyberspace to heaven's gate.
I knew not the colour of your eyes, yet I will miss you.
One day we shall finally meet
Through the door beyond the grave
Godspeed Sherri
May a herd of horses and a pack of hounds be there to greet you.
Condolences to those who called her friend,
-- Marie
I just wanted to say I sympathize. I am sorry for your loss. May she be Whole again and in Peace. Diabetes is a dirty disease and some day I hope there is a cure.
Please, ye can pass this mail on privately, to any other of her friends who can draw comfort from the fact that a stranger has lit a candle and thought good thoughts about their friend.
--Melissa aka Bannie
Dear Lord,
Please allow her to hunt
with her hounds, and rest comfortably
at night.Give her back her youth,health,and beauty.
Rest in peace dear lady.
--Frank Ambrose
Sherri and "Deuce" |
We are here so briefly,
Cherish every moment,
Cherish every friend,
Cherish every smile,
Give completely and totally,
Cherish what you give,
Cherish what you receive,
It is of the heart we live,
It is through our hearts we touch
Each being that comes into our life...
Cherish each moment and live in it....
Hug your sighthounds and tell your friends that you hold them in your
---Jane TAYLOR |
I hope where ever
she is, the fields are green, the grass is soft, the sunshine will take away
her pain, and she will dance once again.
"Is it a kind of dream,
Floating out on the tide,
Following the river of death downstream?
Oh, is it a dream?
"There's a fog along the horizon,
A strange glow in the sky,
And nobody seems to know where you go,
And what does it mean?
Oh, is it a dream?
"Bright eyes,
Burning like fire.
Bright eyes,
How can you close and fail?
How can the light that burned so brightly
Suddenly burn so pale?
Bright eyes.
"Is it a kind of shadow,
Reaching into the night,
Wandering over the hills unseen,
Or is it a dream?
"There's a high wind in the trees,
A cold sound in the air,
And nobody ever knows when you go,
And where do you start,
Oh, into the dark.
"Bright eyes,
burning like fire.
Bright eyes,
how can you close and fail?
How can the light that burned so brightly
Suddenly burn so pale?
Bright eyes."
[Bright Eyes by Mike Batt, sung by Art Garfunkel
and featured in the film Watership Down]
Sherri, my friend, you are deeply and heartfully missed. The eyes may close, but the light burns forever brightly.

People come into your life for a reason, a season or a lifetime.
When you know which one it is, you will know what to do for that person...
When someone is in your life for a REASON, it is usually to meet a need you have expressed.
They have come to assist you through a difficulty, to provide you with guidance and support, to aid you physically, emotionally or spiritually.
They may seem like a godsend and they are.
They are there for a reason you need them to be.
Then, without any wrong doing on your part or at an inconvenient time, this person will say or do something to bring the relationship to an end.
Sometimes they die.
Sometimes they walk away.
Sometimes they act up and force you to take a stand.
What we must realize is that our need has been met, our desire fulfilled, their work is done.
The prayer you sent up has been answered and now it is time to move on.
Sometimes people come to your life for a SEASON, because your turn has come to share, grow or learn.
They bring you an experience of peace or make you laugh.
They may teach you something you have never done.
They usually give you an unbelievable amount of joy
BELIEVE it, it is REAL.
But only for a season.
LIFETIME relationships teach you lifetime lessons, things you must build upon in order to have a solid emotional foundation.
Your job is to accept the lesson, love the person and put what you have learned to use in all other relationships and areas of your life.
It is said that love is blind but friendship is clairvoyant.
Thank you for being a part of my life, whether you were a reason, a season or a lifetime.
I was visiting STOLA today and went to the memorial pages. I rarely go there because it always makes me cry. But, I received some really happy news today and felt strong enough to look and see if any of the salukis I knew had passed on. I was astounded to see that Sherri is gone.
She gave us our first Saluki, Alimah nearly 7 years ago. We remained friends all these years and we got together when she came to Houston. However, we had not spoken in about a year, just lost touch with all that was going on in our lives...
The photo of her on the camel is from our wedding. She and both shared a love of salukis, good coffee, good wine, good music and of course each of us had a "Steven" we could not live without. Our lives are so much better for knowing her. We are dedicated to a lifetime of rescuing salukis as a result of the attention and care she gave us in adopting Alimah so long ago. Alimah is now old. She nearly died last summer. She has recovered but we know her time on earth is short. I take at least a little comfort in knowing that Sherri will be there to greet her when her time finally does come.
My deepest sympathies to [...] all of STOLA. However, the salukis who are gone are rejoicing for they have found their best friend again.
Best from her friends,
Lainie and Steven, Alimah, Aleilah, Lilly, Bernie (crossed over 10/02) and Pikabu Deterling
Yesterday was February 29, Sherri's birthday. I have needed alot of time to be able to write about her friendship. We met in 1999 when I adopted a beautiful rescue whom Sherri was fostering. He was in the Ft. Worth group that includes Jasara and Alima.
It is hard to write about Sherri. All I can say is that I had the same experience of frienship with her that others reflect here. Sherri also unselfishly helped me numerous times with answers to my saluki health questions. In 2000, I piled my three adoptees plus border collie mix, Holly, in the car and headed cross-country to see her, and she gave one of my adoptees a dental picking. He was too sick to have a dental at the vet's.
I love Sherri like a sister and feel a hole in my heart still that she is not here. May God take care of her until I can hug and kiss her in heaven! Marlene
page created March 5, 2006